Manchester Sharks LogoRainbow Divider

Welcome to the UKs largest dedicated LGBTQ+ waterpolo club.
We are a friendly and inclusive club that welcomes players of all abilities.

About Us


What makes a water polo player?
Take the fitness of a swimmer mixed with the skill of a footballer and then add the power of a rugby player,
that’s a water polo player.

Founded in 2007, the Manchester Sharks are the North of England’s first Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender water polo club.
Manchester Sharks compete in a local league, attend and compete in national and international gay tournaments and participate in some of the world’s largest sporting events.

Our training sessions focus on fitness, polo skills, technique, and above all fun. All training is fully coached.

The main session lasts 90 minutes, we start with a swim warm up, then on to water polo skills. All sessions end in match practice.

If you’re new starter or a little unfit, you’re still more than welcome to come down. The swim warm-up is divided so you will be with people of the same ability; so whether it’s your first time or you have played before we can cater for you. Remember you can always take a breather.

Just bring yourself, your swimwear and a towel.


At East Manchester Leisure Centre

8:30pm - 10pm

Please arrive at the pool for 8:15PM
Your first training session is free, and we will introduce you to our members and show you around.
£7.00 Pay as you Play

To Pay as you Play, you must arrive by 8:15PM where a member of staff will provided bank details for you to transfer the money to. If you are not charged at the session a member of the committee will contact you to arrange payment.


At East Manchester Leisure Centre

5:30pm - 7pm

Please arrive at the pool for 5:15pm
Your first training session is free, and we will introduce you to our members and show you around.
£6.00 Pay as you Play

To Pay as you Play, you must arrive by 5:15PM where a member of staff will provided bank details for you to transfer the money to. If you are not charged at the session a member of the committee will contact you to arrange payment.